SEMI International Standards
Date Prepared: 11/20/2023
Revised (if Applicable):

Name of Task Force (TF): Next Gen Assembly / Test Material Handling Task Force

Global Technical Committee: Physical Interfaces & Carriers
Originating Technical Committee Region: Japan

1. Charter: (State the objective of the proposed TF.)
Despite pervasive AMHS in semiconductor fabs and highly automated individual equipment in assembly / test, transport of units between equipment remains manual for many applications and areas of A/T factories. Outside of JEDEC trays, virtually no physical interface standards exist for assembly test factories. This TF will develop the physical interfaces to help enable additional automation in assembly / test factories.
2. Scope: (Define the specific activities that the TF will conduct.)
Proposed initial scope to include a carrier, load port, and equipment module to platform interfaces.
1. Carrier: develop a new carrier, based in part on SEMI E181 / E181.1, that will contain two side by side stacks of “large” JEDEC trays. (Parallel standards activities to define and standardize a large tray have been kicked off with JEDEC).
2. Load port: load port for carrier developed as part of scope item 1, based on SEMI E182.
Equipment module platform interface: standard interfaces between equipment process modules and a central material handling system. May include mechanical, utility, handoff interfaces, and others as needed / aligned by the TF.

3. Formal linkages with TFs in other Regions/Locales: (Show each associated TF and its parent global technical committee; indicate nature of relationship – global TF, observer TF, etc.)
Facilities committee for utility interfaces.

4. Formation Date:(TF formed on)

Task Force formed on: 12/14/2023
Task Force approved by Committee/GCS on: 12/14/2023
