SEMI International Standards
Date Prepared: 07/26/2017
Revised (if Applicable):

Name of Task Force (TF): Japan Electron Microscopy Workflow liaison Task Force

Global Technical Committee: Physical Interfaces & Carriers
Originating Technical Committee Region: Japan

1. Charter: (State the objective of the proposed TF.)
Liaise with the Electron Microscopy Workflow Task Force under NA PIC Chapter to help ensure Japan membership concerns, information and experience are considered in, and to generally contribute to, the development of resulting standards or standard change proposals by the related NA task force.
2. Scope: (Define the specific activities that the TF will conduct.)
Meetings (including face to face meetings during Japan SEMI standards development meetings), emails, teleconferences as needed to communicate effectively with the NA task force, and ballots as needed.
3. Formal linkages with TFs in other Regions/Locales: (Show each associated TF and its parent global technical committee; indicate nature of relationship – global TF, observer TF, etc.)
NA Electron Microscopy Workflow Task Force
Silicon Wafer GTC

4. Formation Date:(TF formed on)

Task Force formed on: 07/26/2017
Task Force approved by Committee/GCS on: 07/26/2017
